Sunday, February 13, 2005

My Preparation for Easter Covenant

Lent is a time to prepare for Easter. It is a necessary prelude. The death and resurrection of Christ are true whether or not I prepare for Easter. However, without my heart and life being ready, I may not experience the depth and power. of Christ's death and resurrection. So with my brothers and sisters, I commit myself to disciplines for conversion from sin and death to love and life in Jesus Christ. With the aid of the list below, I make the following commitments to discipline and growth for the next six weeks:
(Check the ones you desire or feel prompted to do; circle the ones you then decide to do.)

Inward and Personal Disciplines
  • Spend time in solitude each day.
  • Share in the Lenten Series on Sunday mornings.
  • Read a book for inner growth.
  • Read twice through the Gospel of Matthew.
  • Begin to keep a journal of prayer concerns, questions, reading.
  • Focus on thanksgiving, rather than on asking, in prayer.
  • Give myself a gift of three hours to do something I always say I don't have time to do.
  • Find a way to go to bed earlier or sleep in so I get enough rest.
  • Make a list of people with whom I need to be reconciled. Pray for them and let Jesus guide me in my thinking and feeling toward them.
  • Take control of my life by ______________.
  • Go to all of the Holy Week services as an act of love and waiting with Jesus.
  • Take one hour to inventory my priorities and plan how I will reorder them.
  • Give up a grudge or a rehearsal of a past event.
  • Forgive someone who has hurt me.
  • Dance my prayers to a favorite tape or CD.
  • Other promptings:
Outward and Social Disciplines
  • Take on some loving task.
  • Plan to visit a "shut-in" neighbor or church member weekly.
  • Write a letter of affirmation once a week to a person who has touched my life.
  • Listen and respond to Christ's call to a ministry of service.
  • Go to coffee or dinner with someone I want to know better.
  • Begin to recycle waste from my home and workplace.
  • Give blood and recall the cross.
  • Call the Pastor or Church Office and ask how I can help.
  • Say "NO" to something that is a waste of money and time.
  • Pray to God to help me resist prejudice and to give me courage in opposing it.
  • Rebuke the spirit of criticism and my own tongue out of control.
  • Find a way to live out the baptismal promise to "resist evil, injustice, and oppression" in the power and liberty God gives us by ___________________
  • Other outward and social promptings:
Keep this for reference during the coming weeks of Lent.

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